Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

St. Nicholas Hungarian Greek Catholic Church

Biserica greco-catolică Sfântul Nicolae (limba maghiară)
St. Nicholas Hungarian Greek Catholic Church
Biserica greco-catolică Sfântul Nicolae (limba maghiară)
Original function:
Current function:
Greek Catholic
Strada Liviu Rebreanu
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
47.799638, 22.873162
Google map:


The first 'Greeks' settled in Szatmár and Németi after Nagyvárad fell to the Turks in 1660. In 1683, the priest of the community was Monasterli Demeter, who built the first wooden church, consecrated in 1690 by Bishop Johannes Josephus De Camillis of Munkács. The second wooden church was built in 1740 and replaced by a stone building in 1757. The vaults of the church had become unsafe by the end of the 19th century, so in 1900 the church was radically rebuilt according to the plans of the engineer Fogarassy Sándor. In the 1990s, an octagonal nave, a new sanctuary and two vestries were added to the north side, while the interior was redecorated in Byzantine style. The renovated and enlarged church was consecrated in 2011.

Source:  muemlekem.hu
{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":1056,"townId":53,"active":1,"name_LO":"Biserica greco-catolic\u0103 Sf\u00e2ntul Nicolae (limba maghiar\u0103)","address":"Strada Liviu Rebreanu","mapdata":"2|721|296","gps_lat":"47.7996380000","gps_long":"22.8731620000","religion":4,"oldtype":"1","newtype":"1","homepage":"","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"https:\/\/www.muemlekem.hu\/hatareset\/Szt-Miklos--Nemeti--gorog-katolikus-templom-Szatmarnemeti-3549","csemadoklink":"","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"St. Nicholas Hungarian Greek Catholic Church","note":"","history":"The first 'Greeks' settled in Szatm\u00e1r and N\u00e9meti after Nagyv\u00e1rad fell to the Turks in 1660. In 1683, the priest of the community was Monasterli Demeter, who built the first wooden church, consecrated in 1690 by Bishop Johannes Josephus De Camillis of Munk\u00e1cs. The second wooden church was built in 1740 and replaced by a stone building in 1757. The vaults of the church had become unsafe by the end of the 19th century, so in 1900 the church was radically rebuilt according to the plans of the engineer Fogarassy S\u00e1ndor. In the 1990s, an octagonal nave, a new sanctuary and two vestries were added to the north side, while the interior was redecorated in Byzantine style. The renovated and enlarged church was consecrated in 2011.","town":{"townId":53,"name_HU":"Szatm\u00e1rn\u00e9meti","name_LO":"Satu Mare","seolink":"szatmarnemeti-satu-mare","oldcounty":24,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}