Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

New Centre

Centru Nou
New Centre
Centru Nou
Original function:
Current function:
Piața 25 Octombrie
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
47.789128, 22.872768
Google map:


Romania's communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu wanted to create a new city centre in Szatmárnémeti, next to the historic centre inherited from the Hungarian era. The so called New Centre was built between 1972 and 1984 on the banks of the Szamos River, largely on the site of a former gypsy slums. Its main attraction is the 15 storey Administrative Palace (Palatul Administrativ), which was for a long time the tallest building in Romania with its hight of 97 metres.

The architect was Nicolae Porumbescu from Jasvara, and he is also responsible for the community centre on the other side of the square, the Szamos (Somesul) department store and the surrounding blocks of flats.

Urban legend has it that the administrative palace depicts a Romanian shepherd, and the community centre is his dog, who guards the flock of sheep that make up the buildings.

A loudspeaker was placed in the tower of the palace, which trumpeted every hour. The palace cost RON 54 billion to build, equivalent to $3 billion at 1985 exchange rates. The palace is a beautiful example of megaromaniac architecture.

{"item":"sight","set":{"sightId":1086,"townId":53,"active":1,"name_LO":"Centru Nou","address":"Pia\u021ba 25 Octombrie","mapdata":"1|687|1454","gps_lat":"47.7891280000","gps_long":"22.8727680000","religion":0,"oldtype":"26","newtype":"26","homepage":"","openinghours":"","muemlekemlink":"","csemadoklink":"","picture":"","picture_ref":"","name":"New Centre","note":"","history":"Romania's communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu wanted to create a new city centre in Szatm\u00e1rn\u00e9meti, next to the historic centre inherited from the Hungarian era. The so called New Centre was built between 1972 and 1984 on the banks of the Szamos River, largely on the site of a former gypsy slums. Its main attraction is the 15 storey Administrative Palace (Palatul Administrativ), which was for a long time the tallest building in Romania with its hight of 97 metres.@\nThe architect was Nicolae Porumbescu from Jasvara, and he is also responsible for the community centre on the other side of the square, the Szamos (Somesul) department store and the surrounding blocks of flats.@\nUrban legend has it that the administrative palace depicts a Romanian shepherd, and the community centre is his dog, who guards the flock of sheep that make up the buildings.@\nA loudspeaker was placed in the tower of the palace, which trumpeted every hour. The palace cost RON 54 billion to build, equivalent to $3 billion at 1985 exchange rates. The palace is a beautiful example of megaromaniac architecture.\n&\nlokalhistoriak.blogspot.com: P\u00e1r \u00e9v alatt meg\u00e9p\u00edtett\u00e9k az \u00dajk\u00f6zpontot|https:\/\/lokalhistoriak.blogspot.com\/2019\/05\/par-ev-alatt-felhuztak-az-ujkozpontot.html","town":{"townId":53,"name_HU":"Szatm\u00e1rn\u00e9meti","name_LO":"Satu Mare","seolink":"szatmarnemeti-satu-mare","oldcounty":24,"country":4}},"language":"en","region":"romania","regionid":4,"offer":[],"gallery":false,"album":false}