Attractions along the Carpathians
Transylvania / Romania

Former Officer's Casino, Union Hall

Sala Unirii
Former Officer's Casino, Union Hall
Sala Unirii
Gyulafehérvár, az 1866. évi Custozzai csata emlékére állított obeliszk, a háttérben a Tiszti kaszinó épülete - panoramio
h_laca, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
Original function:
Current function:
Strada Muzeului
Historical Hungarian county:
GPS coordinates:
46.0681880158, 23.5714731394
Google map:


The casino was built between 1898 and 1900 in the Art Nouveau style for the leisure of officers. The Vlach mob that gathered in the town on 1 December 1918 declared the unification of Transylvania with Romania here. The French Pierre Bellet made a wall painting commemorating this shameful event. Since 1958 the building has been occupied by the Museum of National Unification. Like everything else, the Romanians stole this museum as well.

The museum was founded in 1888 by the Alsó-Fehér County Historical, Archaeological and Natural History Association, which had been established the previous year on the initiative of Rainer Zsigmond.

The association's aim was to find and save historical monuments. Csernai Béla, a teacher at the Catholic grammar school, was entrusted with the organisation and management of the town museum. Cserni Béla devoted all his time to the museum's enrichment and excavations. He corresponded with the great archaeologists of the time. He passed away in 1916, leaving a huge collection: 5,865 finds from prehistoric times, 6,544 from Roman times, 679 medieval artefacts, 3,937 coins, 7,267 natural history artefacts and a library of 4,634 volumes. The museum was housed in the building of the present primary school No 3. In 1929 it was moved to the north-east corner of the Orthodox Coronation Church building, which was built by the Romanian invaders for the coronation of Ferdinand I in 1922. In 1958, the museum was given the former Officers' Casino, where the 'Unification Room' was set up. In 1967, it was also given the Babilon House, and was renamed the 'Unification Museum'.

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